Hot couple + beautiful beach = steamy session.
I hate shooting in bright sunlight...but when you have a couple this gorgeous, you just suck it up and lug your gear to the beach. And you may end up being there for 2 hours waiting for the sun to set.
Kaycee and Beka's passionate beach engagement session at Del Mar Beach at Camp Pendelton was probably one of my more challenging shoots. I wanted to push myself as a photographer. I wanted to shoot against the sun to get evenly lit faces, but that meant I was staring directly at the sun in some instances.
Additionally, I wanted to shoot with intention and purposely composed shots for black and white images. I also wanted to shoot intimacy and passion. It's very easy to convey this mood with a darker editing style, but I wanted to see if I can convey this with my lighter editing style. I'll let you be the judge of whether or not I captured this through the photos below.
One of my worst fears also happened during this shoot. My camera bag was caught in a big wave and got soaked!! To make things worse, Beka got salt water in her eyes during the "wrestling" part of the shoot, and we had to stop shortly after. I ended up purchasing a new waterproof bag.

At the risk of sounding like your mother, ladies please iron or steam out your beautiful dress before the shoot. Your photographer (like me) will be eternally grateful.

Kaycee and Beka are getting married this December in San Diego, and I love the energy and passion these two had. I especially love the way they laugh and look at each other.

When the couple's down to get wet and roll around on the beach, you say hell yes.

Some of my favorite images!

Okay, we can all go home happy now. I got the shots I needed!